Drop your trowel and put away your spade. Bardotown Gazette opens its doors to Bardo Games. More than a fun romp through the afterlife these games are trainers for a life on the weirder side.
Front Page
The hottest news, the fast breaking stories from BardoTown accumulate like tomb fungus on this page. They say a rolling stone gathers no moss. Well, this is a web page so we haven't a clue what possible relevance that can be.
Inside Page
The meat and potatoes of the BardoTown Gazette. Here you will find such revealing stories as:
- NASA fails to photograph....
- New Attack on Cancer
- Identical Twins That Look Alike
- World's Tallest Midget
- Man Bites Dog
- Aliens Exchange Priceless Art for Hollywood Actor
The BardoTown Gazette has many columnist. We are happy to include material from General Nunan, Dead Elvis, Dead Dorothy, Swami Isa Goner, among others. Here you will find such classic columns as:
- Use your horoscope to pick your movies
- What death reveals about personality
Being great believers in the egalitarian nature of death, we bring you classless Classifieds.
Comics are the mainstay of any newspaper. The BardoTown Gazette is no different.
Because of its special nature, the BardoTown Gazette is able to bring you the latest sports results -- in some cases even before they happen.
Better Tombs & Gardens
Want to take a gander at where the creme de la creme of the afterlife set are planted and plant their roots. This section of BardoTown Gazette will give you the insiders look at where the Dead & Deadest choose to hang out.
Art Department
No wannabe news magazine would be complete without some lame attempt at an art department. In a futile effort to blend in to the general stream of media rags, BardoTown Gazette has an art department. Unfortunately, because of a natural affinity that artists exhibit toward the Gazette we blew our attempt at a lame art department.