SmogOps Canteen

The SmogOpsTM Canteen Music

By Marvel Lane

Gneral Nunan steps out of the time track and makes a boisterous entrance to the SmogOpsTM Canteen. General Tsing Tsang Tsong and Colonel Zarnox are holding their drinks poised to toast Nunan for his humorous address to all SmogOpsTM everywhere from the 37th Century.

Sergeant Bob taps out a drum roll from the StarLight Lounge, inviting Gen. Nunan and Gen. Tsing Tsang Tsong to jam with the house band. As those old 20th Century record industry execs would have said "There's nothing better than recording live the hot chemistry of an intimate jam session."

There's a grand cheer as Gen. Nunan starts rapping out the first song to Gen. Tsing Tsang Tsong's dancing keyboard. SmogOpsTM everywhere appreciate Nunan's skill in composing the music and lyrics simultaneously while being on stage and performing what's coming out for the first time. This is the key to tuning in and listening to the SmogOpsTM Canteen albums.

These live recordings transport you to the Canteen and you feel present for the sessions.

The SmogOpsTM Canteen III album, side A/B is available at retail for $15.00 or $10.00 with an "I Said YES" Club membership discount.

A new release born out of the SmogOpsTM Canteen is The Voyager's Travel Pak the easy-to-grab pack, that you can't leave home without.

It's a great gift for your friends who spend time commuting in transit or jogging with a walkman. These 3 new releases packaged together provide fabulous traveling music, whether you're voyaging over the land, across the sea, among the stars, or through the doors of perception. Retail price $49.00 which includes shipping. California residents add 7.25% sales tax.

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