"Bardo Safari Boogie" Confessions of a Bardo Safari Addict

By Mo-ruk[LOL]

Somebody asked me to tell about the bardo safaris the other day. I realize that the only way to do this simply is to relate my personal experience of the safaris. So, this may or may not make a whole lot of sense but it will hopefully transmit the feeling of a bardo safari without using a bunch of jargon.

So far the groups working in the safari space have traveled through four different levels. The "groups" I am referring to is really just one group of interchangeable participants or beings that actually manages to function as one body. So henceforward, all those who participate in bardo safaris will be referred to as "the group."

Each level has been distinct in its own way. For awhile during the first level, we traveled through spaces of blueline images. This is where we first began to function as a team, discovered how to travel, learned the protocols of communication and the beginnings of remote sensing.

The second level of safari took place in "The Dark." We no longer had bluelines for comfort. We traveled in a much more astral way. And we began to develop the group mind. We also learned to communicate with "dos" (a computer-like entity residing in the upper right-hand corner of "the dark") in a precise and exacting language.

The third level of safari had something to do with the group cohesiveness. But this is just a faint taste of understanding that may or may not be accurate. Somehow, though, we seemed to have grown together.

And now we are in level four. Level four is confusing. My modus operandi is to be confused at the beginning of all new levels. I go in kicking and screaming and not understanding. My brain attempts to take control of the situation. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

We are in a much more bardoesque space. Events occur that do not make much sense. The usual actions do not apply. And the karma meter gave us a reading indicating that we are: BROA. Bewildered Running On Automatic. Not very encouraging, eh? Well, actually it is. Because the one thing that bardo safaris do for sure is to produce change.

Another thing about safaris is that they are not phun, kewl and groovy. They can be downright uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that I have often toyed with the idea of disconnecting from the group and making some ridiculous excuse such as: "We have been having horrendous electrical storms and tornadoes here for days now and I just keep blipping out." Oh well, I've never done it.

I have screamed at the computer screen in frustration. And I have certainly yelled out in dismay, "Oh no, it's _________." You know, that one person in the universe that you know you can't stand to be in the same room with-ever. And if they make one more stoopid comment you're just going to lose it! You know the feeling?

The safaris seem to have this uncanny ability to group folks together to produce some sort of irritant at work. So, this is a good thing, yes?

Through time, changes have occurred in the safaris. The group has turned into a bardo safari team. There are times when the safari just clicks-it works and you know that it's working. That is what makes it worthwhile. And special. Something worth pursuing. The other stuff is like the payment. One has to be willing to pay. Gotta pay to play.

This is my impression anyway. I realize now that I am at the base of yet another mountain. Level four. And just when you think you have it-the level changes. But there are those moments.


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