SmogOps Canteen
Workshop - 03 Opening Address

The theme of this workshop is "The Man on the Cross".

It's not hard to find me on more than occasion rattling on about something or other.

When it comes to "The Man on the Cross" I find myself stepping forward from sentence to sentence with much more care.

It can be argued that each day we have an opportunity for Prayer Absolute. It can be argued that each day we have an opportunity for Prayer Absolute.

Once more and we have a folk song ;-)

And yes it is true that each day presents its own unique doorway through which we can step

if we so choose.

This doorway can open on any given day in response to our wish to help alleviate the suffering of the Absolute.


It is this time of year -- Easter

when the doorway is most yielding, most available.

An analogy that might help is to think of our cycle around the seasons like a carousel.

As we ride the yearly carousel each Easter we come within easier reaching distance of the brass ring.

Only in this case the Brass ring is not a prize to benefit you -- it is a prize to benefit the Absolute.

Each year as you come around the circle on this seasonal carousel, as you approach the Brass Ring are you prepared to make a grab.

Or are you too busy talking to the rider beside you or throwing ice chips from your cola cup at bystanders to notice the approaching brass ring?

Attention, presence, will.

That is what you have to work with.

This moment, right now, defines your year.

Not unlike the moment of death is it?

Let's not concern ourselves with worries about ice-throwing, somnambulistic chattering, or zombiequse carousel riding technique.

It is too late to cram for the final exam.

You have either studied during the school year or you haven't.

Whatever your situation, now is the time to accept that the proctor has put the test on the desk in front of you

Tt is time to put aside worries of study and perform to the best of your ability.

Who knows maybe you will surprise yourself.

Maybe you studied better than you thought.


Okay, so that is not really very likely.

Still, no amount of guilt, worry, shame, or self-recrimination will change your actual state of preparedness.

These emotions/sensations will only serve to hinder you at this time.

They are not for today.

As an aside, I may add that remorse is far different that guilt, worry and shame.

So, what about this brass ring?

This is left to you to uncover.

It is not an option to venture forward into this arena with blind faith.

Faith yes, but wide-eyed, attentive, wondrous,

alive with alacrity and verve.

Let us proceed into our workshops.

Robbert is starting us off with something that may just be the absolutely perfect beginning to what looks to be a great day -- Objective Theatre and The Creation Story.

I don't know where he is intending the workshop to go.

In most likelihood, knowing Robbert, he hasn't predetermined it. It will go where it wills to go.

However, one thing you can be sure of.

This we get from our pal Buckaroo Banzi

No matter where you are going -- there you are.

So Mr. R.

rct: ok

rct: The veil between worlds is thinest

rct: at this time...

rct: so we,ve heard

rct: as this is the time we actually start or reinitiate

rct: our year of work

rct: it is appropriate to understand a little about objective theatre

rct: the root for theater

rct: ceremonial magic

rct: religeous rites

rct: shamanic gigs

rct: storytelling and other performance art

rct: is the same root

rct: all of these were used

rct: to penetrate the veil

rct: or to go through that gateway mentioned earlier

rct: that door which is most yielding at this time of year

rct: in very ancient times priest and priestess initiates

rct: who served particular high entities or gods if you like

rct: used sacred theater

rct: or performed sacred theater

rct: in order to let's say penetrate the 'Mysteries'

rct: in some way or another walk through that doorway...

rct: in objective theater this for the benefit of the Absolute

rct: in the long run..

rct: this technique

rct: has been carried forward through history

rct: from the time of the ancient priest priestess initiates

rct: by story tellers, jongleurs

rct: and bards of the last two thousand years

rct: with the crusades and the opening of the west to the east

rct: the sufic wanderers

rct: carried the technology of objective theater into the western hemishpere

rct: objective theater is an exact science

rct: the more one understands the more succesful one's invocation is likely to be

rct: are there any questions at this point?

rct: the more the participants know about what they are doing in an attempt

rct: at objective theater, the better

rct: now

rct: what is objective theater?

rct: anyone offer a definition?

rct: lets have alittle audience participation

rct: hehe

t: a means of invocation through the use of theater

eric: group invocation??

rct: excellent

rct: eys

rct: yes

rct: yes

rct: any others?

fm: theatre which is accessing an objecive "real" space or atmosphere

rct: good

rct: any others?

rct: okay, goos

rct: good

Guest 33: Is it like trying to put a mirror in front of the absolute

tm: acting a known script to reach the unknown

rct: yes

can: theatre done for the benefit of the absolute-rose

rct: excelllent

rct: you guys are good

rct: let me run it down in a little more detail

rct: if i can

rct: in ancient times

rct: in the temple

rct: the priest priestess initiates

rct: would take a time proven script

rct: one passed down orally probably

rct: that had been used for generations

rct: and these initiates

rct: would call down upon themselves

rct: the 'character'

rct: a character

rct: or an entity

rct: from a higher cosmos

rct: they would call down upon whatever assembly

rct: they had gathered

rct: these characters

rct: or entities

rct: or gods

rct: or whatever you call these

rct: and once the characters were manifest

rct: they would improvise..

rct: or rather they would listen

rct: while the characters

rct: spoke

ompen: right

rct: or acted

rct: and these characters

rct: would reveal more

rct: and more 'data'

rct: in this way the great 'myths' were created

rct: and 'esoteric' data imparted...

rct: and also...

rct: Transformation...

rct: transformation

rct: in itself

rct: not useful

rct: necessarily

rct: but in order to alleviate Suffering of the Absolute

rct: transformation a necessity...

rct: so the wandering jongleurs

rct: acrobats

rct: storytellers

rct: bards

eric: troubadors

rct: the ones with knowledge

rct: yes troubadors

rct: they would arrive in town

rct: gather a crowd easily

rct: entertain,ment

rct: scarcer in those days

rck: bard o town

rct: right

can: yes

rct: ande then

rct: without really aleerting

rct: the crowd

rct: but by entertaining them

rct: they would perform an invocation

rct: Genuine work entities

rct: often require a large landing pad

rct: and a number of organic formations

rct: in order to manifest in any degree

rct: the performers

rct: would unify the crowd in a mood

rct: and this would help provide

rct: the 'food'

gle: formations = bodies?

rct: necessary for the arrival of the entity

rct: in exchange the entity

rct: would give data

rct: contained in the performance

rct: and often

rct: some degree of trtansformation

rct: for likely members

rct: yet unsuspecting members of the crowd

rct: if they were susceptible

rct: they would catch the disease

rct: and then find themselvbes pon the path

rct: themselves on the path

rct: looking for a clinic

rct: a clinic

rct: being perhaps a school...

rct: or some other source of further knowledge or work

rct: we perform our own brand of this

rct: in various ways

rct: zen basics workshops

rct: invocational dinners

rct: bunraku puppetry

rct: creation story verbatim

rct: triad

rct: redfin script

rct: any questions?

Member 50: n

eric: yes

t: n

eric: rct

beeper: n

rct: okay eric

eric: are you saying

eric: that the key to this is mood?

rct: there are many keys

can: is it group mood?

eric: the mood to be created in "others"?

rct: to a successful

rct: piece of objective theater

rct: mood is important

rct: in the creation stry

rct: there are a series of moods mapped out

rct: however every perfromance can be very different in its results

eric: are specific moods associated with specific higher entities?

rct: definately

rct: when

rct: we bigin

rct: to work in this way

rct: it is best to follow

rct: a proven

rct: formula

rct: until you get the idea

rct: the first

rct: experiments you perform

rct: should be simple

rct: for instance

rct: creation story

rct: is an entire

rct: course of study

rct: in itself

rct: one could

rct: spend one's entire

rct: work career

rct: performing this play

rct: and

rct: probably fulfill

rct: all the requirements of a work career

rct: so to speak

rct: anyway

rct: csv

rct: is a map

rct: it requires

rct: innumerable repetitions

rct: to penetrate

rct: it also carries with it

rct: \several degrees of transformation

rct: depending on the penetration

rct: at some point the transformation

rct: is not for the performers

rct: the performers are performing prayer

rct: the transformation is for the audience....

rct: and

rct: when the audience

rct: views csv

rct: it can become an entity viewing itself

rct: having a conversation with itself

rct: trying to see itself in the mirror...

rct: any questions

rct: comments

wcd: great

rct: are you following this?

Member 50: y

t: y

kev: y

can: yes. this is great rct

rck: y

jc & d: y

Guest: y

gle: y

beeper: y

Guest 51: y

rct: questions

way: y

rct: then?

io: y

Birdman: It is clear.

tm: can you comment on

tm: the state of the being

tm: of the performer ?

rct: the performer

tm: the preparation

tm: of the being

rct: by constantly performing prayer

rct: becomes as much of an initiate as the performance piece allows

rct: in the case of csv

rct: one can go pretty far...

rct: often

rct: depending

rct: on the performance piece

rct: the performer doesnt

rct: have to be in a particularily perfect state

rct: of being but just has to get the manifestation right..

rct: the physical posture

rct: or the timing

rct: in order for the invocation to work

Member 50: do the performers know when the entity is formed?

rct: often it can be readily sensed

rct: yes

rct: but perhaps not always

rct: generally

rct: the performance will be 'on'

rct: if the entity shows up

rct: if

rct: it's really working

rct: then departures from the script

rct: can and do occur

rct: in the case of csv

rct: the moment

rct: finds its own voice

rct: using the script to

rct: as a departure point

rct: this is when things get really hot

rct: red hot

rct: when

rct: the characters are actually present

rct: every performance

rct: is another creation..

rct: or another cycle of the creation

rct: and is particular to itself

rct: a bubble

rct: descends upon the gathering

rct: and the gathering is transported

rct: to the first moment of creation...

rct: and in the first moment of creation

rct: the being

rct: views itself

rct: every performance is different

rct: any questions?


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