Beauty Is Only One Pixel Deep But Reality Goes Right To The Bone
October 10th and 11th
The American Book of the Dead
"Here, in this text, is the method for achieving an expanded lifespan not for the purpose of amusing oneself with "immortality"-which human beings already have, in the worst possible way, being immortal in the sense of permanent existence within a time-frame in the time-space discontinuum of creation-but solely for the purpose of perfection of the self, to help in the Great Work, the aim of which is the liberation and awakening of something much higher than oneself."
$15.95 Paperback
The Original The Handbook for the Recently Deceased
"WARNING: If you are reading this, you are probably dead."
$14.50 Paperback
Book Description Work with a script written by E. J. Gold, directly from his labyrinth voyaging research. This bardo play is so hot that it can burn away preconceptions and attitudes for both actors and audience, bringing them directly into a Bardo chamber together. Can be used as an invocational theatre presentation in various forms and settings. Book Link
Chapter 14 of "Life in the Labyrinth"
Book Author E. J. Gold -- This chapter gives an extremely practical, line by line description, of each line of the (Labyrinth) Voyager's Quatrain.
The Dhammapada Talk
"A talk on death, transit and rebirth; the difference between the 'psychotic' and the 'mystic'; 'Be-ing' in nonexistence and experiencing the between-lives state before organic death." #TP070
How I Raised My self from the Dead in 49 Days or Less and
You Can Do it Too! Tape
"At last! A proven method for raising yourself from the dead, just like I did, by playing a cassette tape in the privacy of your own home. In only minutes a day, you can get fast, fast relief. Some may ask, why bother? The answer is obvious: nobody wants to stay dead forever!"
Bardo-Run #1
A twenty minute video of Gorebag aka E.J. Gold demonstrates a Bardo-Run in the bardo environments created by him in the GODD (Gamemakers of Diabolical Distinction) engine. At the moment this is the only available method to experience these bardo spaces. Repeated exposure to these spaces can have a "sandpaper" effect, grinding down the karmic attachments, fear and panic and sense of overwhelm that comes to the "newbie" in the Bardos. The CD-ROM version release date is December 1, 1998. Until then you can work with the video. This video is especially useful to those attending the On site GODD workshop in September.