Beauty Is Only One Pixel Deep But Reality Goes Right To The Bone
October 10th and 11th
Schedule of Events
Saturday: 9:00 a. m. - 10:00 a. m.
Opening Address
"Always Keep the Void At Your Back."
-- Dr. Claude Needham
Saturday: 10:00 a. m. - 11:00 a. m
Real Is
"I have been pretending that what is real is unreal, and
that what doesn't exist does exist..."
-- Robbert Trice
Saturday: 11:00 a. m. - 12:00 a. m
It's All In the Hemlines
"A peak at crossdressing through the ages"
-- Douglass Truth
Saturday: 12:00 a.m. - 1:00 p. m
Right Ware U R
This writing circle includes some fun experiments tailored for this wonderous electronic medium.
-- Nancy Burns & Lee Perry & Megan Whilden
Saturday: 1: 00 p. m. - 2:00 p. m
"How Can We Become Aware Our Life in the Labyrinth?"
-- Meg Foard
Saturday: 2:00 p. m - 3:00 p. m
"Beauty Is In the Eyes of the Beholder and I'm in Love
with an Ugly Freakin' Monster and It's the Perfect Void"
"If you haven't heard this will"
-- Jimmi Accardi
Saturday: 3:00 p. m - 4:00 p. m
Objective Gesturing
"What does it take to chart an Objective piece of Art?"
-- Della Heywood
Saturday: 4:00 p. m - 7:00 p. m
HEI Online Art Auction
The art of E. J. Gold and the Grass Valley Graphics Group. "iconographic works that delight the Being, hopefully propelling the machine into the waking state." To preview auction images visit The HEI Auction Team
Saturday: 7:00 p. m. - 8:00 p. m
The Medicine Wheel
"This workshop has two titles "I AM HERE IS NEITHER ABOUT I-NESS OR HERE-NESS. COME AS YOUR ARE" & "I AM HERE...SORT OF. Without the proper attention, you won't go far." I.E. How to accumulate and cultivate Being attention for Labyrinthian (Bardo) voyaging."
-- Marta Jones & Dru Kristel
Saturday: 8:00 p. m. - 9:00 p. m
Morris' Comedy Club
"Digital Humor" -- Ellen Tisdale
Saturday 9:00 p. m. -- Sunday 6:00 a. m.
On-Line Gaming
Quaking the night away -- Gaming with Gorebag & Friends
Sunday: 6:00 a. m. - 7:00 a. m.
Mood of Gratitude
"It is a good time to gather together, to reflect and express our gratitude for the pixels given to us this day and every
day." -- Michele-Marie
Sunday: 7:00 a. m. - 8:00a. m.
Red Faced Donkey
"What better way to experience that "Beauty is only skin deep" than the "Red-Faced Donkey" exercise (PWOS chapter 16). Bring your experiences to contribute at this workshop." -- David Christie
Sunday: 8:00 a. m. - 10:00 a. m.
"What is GODD all about?" -- The GODD Team
Sunday: 10:00 a. m.
Closing Address
Robbert Trice -- Claude Needham
To register for the "9th Experimental 24+ hour On-Line Bardo Workshop"�e-mail to or call 530-272-0180 or 1-800-869-0658 or fax�530-272-0184 or mail to IDHHB, P.O Box 370, Nevada City, Ca., 95959.�
All of the workshop events will take place in GODD, (except �for the Online Art Auction) however we will begin in Palace on �Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Also, if you are having any technical �problems please call us 1-800-869-0658 / 530-272-0180 �Please see the "check list" on the Canteen pages at �
A $25.00 workshop fee is suggested for the entire workshop, visa,�mastercard, american express and checks (made out to IDHHB) are all�accepted. It is always greatly appreciated when the workshop fee�reaches the Institute before events takes place. We will be on line�for the whole workshop please feel free to come and go as your�schedule permits.�
Cya Saturday, October 10th and 11th at the Workshop !�