Read the “Obligatory Reader’s Invocation” aloud before each reading. A bell should be struck once prior to and then again following each instruction to the voyager. This parenthesizes and emphasizes with an unmistakable sound the precise instruction for the voyager.
Invocation Obligatoire Pour Le Lecteur
          protecteur de toute la vie sensible;
          qui sacrifient leur libération pour ceux qui ne se
          sont pas encore éveillés à la vérité;
          le résident du labyrinthe qui de toute éternité
          n'a jamais connu la naissance et qui a sacrifié sa rédemption pour la rédemption de
          tous les voyageurs partout;
This reading is extracted from The American Book of the Dead translated into the French by Linda Corriveau and presented here for the benefit of all beings everywhere. Read it in the midst of vast congregations. Read it to heal the sick. Read it to instruct the elderly. Read it for the dead or dying even though they don't know it is being read for them -- your prayers and reading are helping them to attain liberation. For further reference see The American Book of the Dead.