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TP008 Center of Gravity Question
The method and use of Real Work Questions is presented in this very fundamental talk that is a blessing for newcomers.
(1 cassette, 1.0 hours) $9.95

TP017 Chief Feature and Children
Man as he stands in nature is food for his Chief Feature entity which originates many of his activities, states and attitudes. This powerful talk explores the invocation and banishing of Chief Feature.
(2 cassette, 2.5 hours) $18.95

TP046 Moments of Freedom
David Atkinson, Marilyn Gossen and Stan Howard in this workshop present important information about Chief Feature and its spontaneous periodic banishing during "moments of freedom." The art of "waiting not impatiently" is described and illustrated with examples, and a powerful exercise for working with moments of freedom is presented.
(2 cassette, 2.0 hours) $18.95

TP075 Study Group Talk
This talk to a Vancouver study group includes a discussion of the nature of psyche and essence, the formation of higher bodies, the surrender of psychological control and the moments of the Great Betrayal.
(3 cassette, 3.5 hours) $27.95

TP112 The Chronic Workshop (First Day)
This talk begins with readings from The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus, and centers on the work question, "How can I create a place for myself in the Work?" Also, the mechanism of the chronic in the machine is conceptually presented.
(3 cassette, 3.5 hours) $27.95

TP113 The Chronic Workshop (Second Day)
What is the Chronic? E.J. Gold talks on the biological machine's sleeping state and its transforming response to the directed attention and adoration of the essential self. The nature of negative emotions, the "wind-and-water" method of awakening the machine, sensing the waking state and the power of discrimination are discussed during the second day of this remarkable New York workshop.
(4 cassette, 5.0 hours) $36.95

TP114 The Essential Self and the Machine
In this first easaphone conversation between the New York Study Circle and Core Group in California, the nature and behavior of the machine, the chronic and the essential self are explored.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP115 The Human Biological Machine as a Transf
This fascinating talk covers the machine as a four-dimensional tunnel through creation, the soul as raw material, turning on the alchemical factory, the illusion of time, and the creation in higher dimensions.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP116 Evidence of the Machine in Sleep
Sensing the machine in sleep, the sixty-day exercise to gather "Exhibit A," beginning steps to awaken the machine, transference from the machine to a nonphenomenal self then to the Being, and eating consciously are discussed. Parker Dickson offers three new work folksongs.
(2 cassette, 3.0 hours) $18.95

TP117 Awakening the Machine
This talk covers the subjects of Alchemy, Repairing the Heart, Head Brain/ Tail Brain. How to awaken the machine, letting the dead bury the dead, and the vision of higher dimensions are revealed in this informative presentation.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP119 Conflict Management
This talk emphasizes the differences between the machine’s problems and those relevant to transformation. Relaxing within the tension, life-repair and the resolution of organic problems as an inhibitor of the transformation effect are revealed. The usefulness of this talk for practical work on self quickly becomes apparent upon listening.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP120 The Chronic and the Waking State
E.J. Gold presents the qualities of the waking state and differences from the sleeping state. Consequences and conditions of movement from the sleeping to the waking state and back are explored. Ritual, theatre, transit, hypnotism, psychosomatic diseases, The Work, Teacher as the guest and other domains are discussed as well, in relation to these states.
(2 cassette, 3.0 hours) $27.95

TP121 Presence and Negative Emotions
Inner transformation sooner or later comes to address the issue of negative emotions. This Montreal talk with partial French translations explores the nature and arising of negative emotions. Moving centrum sensations, higher emotions without mental significance, presence of the essential self and banishing negative emotions are presented.
(3 cassette, 3.5 hours) $27.95

TP135 Accessing the Waking State
This tape explores the efficiency and consequences of using different methods to achieve the waking state. Adoration of the machine is stressed and students reconstruct instructions given, but not recorded, concerning the Popcorn exercise and the reversal of headbrain/tailbrain functions.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP138 Out of Body Workshop
Work data on dreaming and sleep states, out-of-body experiences, the Face of God exercise and adoration of the machine.
(5 cassette, 7.5 hours) $45.95

TP139 Women in the Work I
Are there women in the Work? Can there ever be women in the Work? This workshop for women explores adoration of the machine, initiation of men by women, recognition of the machine in sleep and three work songs by Parker Dickson. It’s just the thing for that hard-to-let-go-of Male Myth.
(4 cassette, 6.0 hours) $36.95

TP141 Chief Feature & Negative Force
This revealing presentation explores the multiple meanings of the term "Chief Feature" and man's choice of whether or not to feed it. Equilibrium of tensions, modern superstitions, emotional bodies as psychic phenomena and feeding a higher dimension are explored.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.98

TP142 Breath of the Essential Self
An excellent invocational dinner talk in which Mr. Gold elicits from a group, with the help of two other groups by easaphone connection, the understanding and background for a precise formulation of a work idea. This invocation covers the awakening of the heart, machine voice versus essential voice, nonphenomenal anatomy, correspondences between higher and lower dimensions and other fresh data related to group work towards awakening the machine.
(4 cassette, 4.0 hours) $36.95

TP151 Women in the Work II
New York workshop explores the cultural stereotyping and weaknesses and strengths of men and women in relationship to the Work. Relationships and the fragility of man, theatrical gender lines, work necessity, shamanism, and cleansing the self of identity are discussed. This tape should be listened to as a follow-up to Women in the Work I.
(4 cassette, 6.0 hours) $36.95

TP158 Work Intensity
How long, and what intensity of work on self is needed to bring one into a position where transformation is possible? Necessity to awaken the machine, the evolution of the Absolute, the immortality of the machine and the Law of Triads are all examined in this very relevant talk for work on self.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP163 Convention Discourse
E.J. Gold and Lee Lozowick. Lee talks about how a lot of people are attracted to the work ideas but are afraid to take any risks. Just listening to the ideas won't do anything. Work groups and entry into the work are discussed.
(2 cassette, 3.0 hours) $18.95

TP166 To Be Present With Attention
Samuel Avital is present for this vital discourse with E.J. wherein one student is put on "Lookout" for the Messiah and another is taken on a journey up "Shit Creek" to try and retrieve her life mantram.
(2 cassette, 2.5 hours) $18.95

TP168 Whole Body Attention
The machine and the electric bubble, expansion of one’s own morphology, repetition in beginning work, expansion, contraction, focusing and withdrawal of attention are all explored.
(2 cassette, 3.0 hours) $18.95

TP177 Brain Information Processing
In this fascinating discussion with some visiting scientists, the inability of the brain to represent the universe in its field of interpretation is unveiled. Life-form tracking through the DNA and the ultimate weapon against death are topics also covered in this examination of the sensory apparatus of the human biological machine.
(3 cassette, 4.0 hours) $27.95

TP183 The Two Attentions
The attention of the being is contrasted with the attention of the machine from a fourth dimensional perspective. Fear and the aesthetic tolerance to no time flow and movement as a fourth-dimensional figure are also examined.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP201 The No Bullshit Tarot Rap/The Yelling Se
Side A: No Bullshit Tarot, 1970. The topics include explanations of Tarot card meanings and how to read them; "real" readings as opposed to Peace and Love bullshit readings; the spiritual Self and what we can become. These readings are based on the Albano-Waite deck. Side B: The Yelling Sermon, March 28, 1976. Mr. Gold expresses his anger at the lack of integrity, caring and work efforts in the community. Topics include an individual's betrayal of the Work, and choosing between ordinary ego life and the life of a Being. This one hits home! Some of the topics discussed include: Voluntary Evolution; the organization of Study Groups; directions for the construction of Invocational Dinners; Prayer Absolute and The Man on the Cross; an informative explanation of "the Octave"; invoking and provoking harmful presences; group invocation; the growth of a Soul; passage of an Angelic Presence; preparing for the Bardos; and lots more!
(1 cassette, 1.0 hours) $9.95

TP203 Developing the Permanent "I"/Overcoming
Side A: Developing the Permanent "I." Topics include the dilemma of attempting to work before you have sufficient understanding of what you're trying to do; "If you can't get knowledge as a nonpermanent series of I's, how are you going to produce in yourself the necessary Being-completion to get that knowledge?"; the nature of "changing understanding"; developing communication between the I's to produce a unified Human Being; lessening the shock of integration; placing identification with the Being rather than with the body; the requirement of a strong "Being-shock" to produce the "Witness" or "Essence I"; the "Oh, no, not again" syndrome as your strongest ally for work. Side B: Overcoming Personality. Topics include the difference between knowledge and information; the application of shocks and impressions needed to produce a real change in Being; and the efforts one must make in order to receive these shocks.
(1 cassette, 1.0 hours) $9.95

TP204 The Unseen Part of Art
1986. With art, all the public usually sees is the finished product; not the process of how it was made and how it got into a gallery, home or museum. E.J. Gold discusses the materials and techniques that go into production of art in different media, including techniques used in ancient times; the reproduction of important works and why it is necessary; art pricing, dealing, collecting, and all the business details needed by a professional artist or art dealer. He talks about what constitutes a masterpiece, and the different ways art is evaluated by the artist, the public, dealers, and the critics. He also mentions the idea of objective art as "traps" placed in specific selected locations. This is a practical talk.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

TP248 Life Cycle of a Slime Mold
Claude Needham, Ph.D., discusses the transformational life processes of slime molds with suggestions of experiments for the serious student.
(1 cassette, 1.5 hours) $9.95

Archive Photo from talk recordings

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