Chapter XXXVI
by General (Uncle Claude) Xxaxx
& General (E.J. Gold) Nunan PFC 1st Class Ret.
As they stepped from the cab, Professor Woo pulled her friend aside. “Ja Mere, I would like to enter discreetly and gather an idea of the Cownsil’s mood before proceeding.”
“Why the need for this clandestine approach?”
“Other forces have shown their hand in this issue. I would like to get the lay of the land before we wade in. Otherwise, I will meet you inside.”
“Now, don’t be like that, Woo. Of course I’m with you. I just don’t have the same aversions and paranoias that you have.”
“Paranoic attributes, if you please. When they get the upper hand and I’m more than technically out of control, you may consider me a true paranoid, rather than a borrower of technique.”
“I trust you Woo. There must be something in the wind for you to weird out like this. Lead the way and I’ll play along any way you like.”
Entering the west side door placed Professor Woo and Ja Mere in the back of the lobby near the hat-check area. From this vantage they could enter without being noticed — providing they were quiet and lucky. Judging from the voices, they had not been noticed.
“I don’t see how those two upstarts can call a second rematch in as many days. What is so important about this game that they couldn’t wait for the basketball/conference season?”
“Judging by the mode and cadence of conversation, citizins and/or goobers must be present,” Professor Woo whispered to Ja Mere as she flattened herself and Ja Mere against the wall behind the portable coat rack.” The coat rack had been installed as an afterthought — a convenience for the eggheads. The bathrooms across the hall were installed for the convenience of the eggheads as well. Citizins and goobers have no need for clothes; they had bubbles to protect them from the elements, and need bathrooms only during their breeding cycle, at which time the men and women are too embarrassed and edgy to go in public, anyway. The water fountain across the hall was dribbling. Someone must have just been there. If they’d gone in the bathroom to the right, they could be leaving any moment. It would be a shame to be discovered when you’re trying to be so clandestine. Especially when it wasn’t actually required. Fortunately, if they were in the bathroom, it had to be an egghead. Professor Woo could explain that she was only gathering a notion of where the Cownsil stood on the issues, but, she and Ja Mere looked far too suspicious to be up to something as simple as pre-meeting jitters. As the door to the eggheads head room opened, Professor Woo took the only option that presented itself at the moment. She grabbed Ja Mere, and kissed him square on the mouth, clutching him to herself in the bargain. It was in this embrace that the head of the Cownsil discovered them. Better to be known as sexualists than sneaks and spies. If the rumors about the chairman were correct, it was highly doubtful that the story would circulate any further than him and his lover. It was an oddity among the eggheads that some of them actually went in for sex — in spite of the fact that they had almost no hismones or hermones, and consequently little or no true sex drive. Professor Woo has been celibate her entire adult life. Even if not for the need to protect her masquerade, she had zero inclination in that direction. Without the biological imperative knock knock knocking on her door, she had no drive toward sex.
As she extracted herself from the surprised arms of Ja Mere, Professor Woo could overhear from the outer lobby, “Aren’t you familiar with the basic problems as outlined in locker room?”
The door to the eggheads head closed silently. A gentle thud as the door closed the was the only sound to be heard in the hall — no gasp from the chairman, no footsteps of a receding figure, nothing.
When she could see more than just the side of Ja Mere’s head, Professor Woo found herself staring directly into the pleasantly surprised face of chairman Alan Hale. Giving the two of them the barest of a wink, he proceeded into the lobby where they could hear his bass vibrator ring out: “Well, who brought the ball? We have a game to play.”
Professor Woo thought to herself, “Cownsil leader and Committee chairman Alan Hale — ever the diplomat.”
And so the basketball game began and the beginnings of the Cownsil Meeting. Only after the citizins and goobers gave up in disgust and left, would the heart of the meeting get started.
After a third penalty in a row for double dribbling and two missed penalty shots, the Citizins beat a hasty retreat. As rumor has it, even watching a game of basketball as bad as this could be dangerous to one’s playing ability. Yes, that is the rumor. We should know — we stated it. Even so, the goobers seem to be overly anxious to leave this evening. Usually, we are well into the second quarter before they are disgusted sufficiently to abandon their security posts and leave.
I almost wish Little Roy was here so that I could get a read from his body language — gather some kind of clue about what the little guys and gals are up to.
Panting and sweating, Alan Hale stole a quick glance to the referee (a.k.a. lookout) for a final confirmation. Yes, it was All Clear. Time to meet in the open. Chairman Alan Hale called out to the gang of egghead xpearimintalists, “Who brought the punch?” — that was the signal to relax and get about business in a less breathless manor.
“Let’s retire into the main lounge.” continued the chairman, “A pseudo-fire would be a welcome sight...and a bit of refreshment couldn’t hurt.” Looking over to Professor Woo and Ja Mere, Alan made a peculiar expression then added, “Eh, boys?”
Woo winced at the undertones in his body language, “I’m not sure I like the look in his eye. It may have been better to be known as spies after all.”
As the meeting started, Professor Woo leaned over to Ja Mere and whispered in his ear. “By the way, Ja Mere, I’m not going to tell the Cownsil about the Bubblers being aware of our upcoming adventure — at least not just yet.”
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