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Dead Dorothy Comics


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Species of Feces



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DeadBurt is yet another creation from the fevered imagination of General Xxaxx (known to some as Dead Elvis). DeadBurt chronicals the misadventures of "some dead guy" making his, her, or its way through the folies and foibles of being dead.

Dead Dorothy Comics

Master of the wry, bastion of the odd, protector of fruits and vegetables, Dead Dorothy Comics have made their way into the cyber alleys and byways of the BardoTown Gazette.

Cartoons by Gaspirtz

This may look like a single page with a single panel. But when cgi perl scripts enter the arena looks can be deceiving. Every time this page loads one of many cartoons are randomly rotated into view. Try clicking until it repeats itself.

Fun Pages

This is a rather fun collection of silly Shockwave Flash animations. Our heros Feet and Blooby are put through their paces in these various animations. If you have the Shockwave Flash plugin you are sure to enjoy these.

Species of Feces

All standard science is built on a foundation of classification. How would a botanist know what to study if some guy hadn't come up with a definition for botany? Bugology would be a futile study if not for a sound definition of "bug". Hence in the spirit of scientific inquiry Species of Feces details a classification for the different species of feces.


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