Improve your Karma
 Help the Dharma
- Secrets of Magical Seals
- Anna Riva
- O Eternal and Infinite Spirit, with humility I ask, with love I invite, and with faith I beseech thee. Infuse this token with the virtue of power and the force of universal strength."
- The Secret Knowledge of the Neophyte
- S.L. MacGregor-Mathers
- In joining this Order you will find that you have entered a brotherhood. Now if you belong to a family of brothers and sisters in the outer World, you will know that there is a peculiar relationship which has no parallel elsewhere. Brothers and sisters need not love each other, they may even dislike one another, but there is a bond, a mutual comprehension among them and that is what we desire in this Order, that the members should have a mutual comprehension and readiness to help when required.
- The Secret Grimoire of Turiel
- Darcy Kuntz - General Editor
- Sundry Prayers, Benedictions, Consecrations and Exorcisms, Invocations for the days of the week,
characters and perfumes for the Lords of the seven planets....and more....
- The Wisdom of the Chaldeans
- Moses Gaster
- An Ancient Hebrew Astrological & magical Treatise
- The Golden Dawn Source Works: A Bibliography
- Darcy Kuntz
- Complied with notes by Darcy Kuntz
- The Golden Dawn Source Book
- Darcy Kuntz
- Contains some of the best portions of the writings of the ancient hermetic philosophers and mediaeval "Rosicrucians"...wherein lies a great deal of wisdom.
- The Golden Dawn
- Israel Regardie
- The original account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
- The Ritual Magic Manual
- David Griffin
- A complete course in practical magic
- The Hermetic Museum
- Arthur Edward Waite
- Containing twenty-two most celebrated chemical tracts. Completely restored and enlarged.
- The Diaries of John Dee
- Edward Fenton, editor
- I have appointed you because you have joined your hands with mine and by thus appointing you I have made you my David to slay Goliath.
- The Key of Solomon the King
- S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers
- Then answered the Angel: Go and read the Key, and its words which were obscure throughout shall be manifest unto thee.
- The Ritual Magic Workbook
- Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
- A practical course of self-initiation
- Magick - Book Four - Parts I - IV
- Aleister Crowley
- Second one volume revised edition with many illustrations
- An Encyclopedia of Occultism
- Lewis Spence
- The Comprehensive Treasury of Occult Knowledge from all times and places. More than 2500 entries and articles. This Classic Volume is the most Famous Compendium of information of the Occult Sciences, Occult Personalities, Psychic Science, Magic Demonology, Spiritism, Mysticism and Metaphysics
- Tetragrammaton
- Donald Tyson
- The Secret to Evoking Angelic Powers and the Key to the Apocalypse.
- The Magician's Companion
- Bill Whitcomb
- A Practical & Encyclopedic Guide to Magical & Religious Symbolism. A single source for complete information on Eastern and Western magical systems of the universe with rituals and magical exercises. "NOTHING IS PERFECT...NOTHING LASTS FOREVER"
- Sacred Magic
- William Alexander Oribello
- "Let There Be Light" - One of the missions of this book is to demonstrate the oneness of magic and true religion and to use this two-fold unity as a tool to make a better person and a better world.