Before we get down to the picture browsing here's a few clues that might help.
- To see a photo in fullsize click on the postage stamp sample to the right.
- The full size images share a separate window. This means opening one image will close the previous.
- If you want to close an image window click the x in the upper right corner with your LMB (Left Mouse Button).
That's it. Enjoy these photos that Cynthia has provided us for her website.
This is me! Nuff said. ;-)
Going through a portfolio of jazz musicians with the legendary jazz bassist, Milt Hinton. EJ Gold, who was commisioned by the LA County Museum to do these pastels, gifted them to Milt. My son (new info) and I spent the day with Milt and his wife, Mona, talking art and listening to music.
My boy and me at a lake in Pennsylvania. Does it get any better than this?
Frankfurt Galaxy Cheerleaders back stage at MTV. Notice the conspicuous absence of Butthead and Beavis. We were a class act.