Cynthia Baldessare
eBay mania!!
Guess what I'm doing!! I'm selling and buying on an auction site!  "Hey bidder bidder gonna ask fifty, NO not cents, dollars kid!" You  can buy or sell anything ... legal that is ... on this site. Lots of  things are up for grabs from collectibles to meteorites. Come on in!   I even have a site somewhere in there. 

The Nature Conservancy
Every year I pick someone to adopt an acre of rainforest for. I have  been doing this for about 7 years now. It's my way of helping save  our rainforest without chaining myself to a big ole tree :-). I like the work they do and I've checked them out through the Better  Business Bureau. Good folks. Check'em out.

The Lincoln Center
Ok the Lincoln Center is just a way cool place to hang out. The prices are typical NY until you dig a little then pow! Affordable tickets, I took my son to see an opera for $5 each. It's true! The library there has just about every Shakespeare in the Park ever done by the Public Theatre. The research facilities are to die for (there's a neat site about death and dying... but I digress). However the sites I've listed are also very fun. My only gripe is a children's show I'm doing at the Center in Febuary 99 is not listed. Oh well they can't list everything.

EJ Gold
Well since I've mentioned working with this man a few times, you should probably meet him. Neat guy, talented (understatment), way cool, check him out. Oh, pssst ... code name Gorebag.

You gotta meet these folks!! Make sure you have time to look around, it's a big site.

Labyrinth Readers Society
Did I mention a non loopy site dealing, in an honest and open fashion, about death and dying? This is it.

HEI Art International
I've been working with one of the artists HEI carries, EJ Gold, as well as just going to some of their online auctions. There is some amazing talent here. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is considering some of Gold's work. Pretty lofty shenanigans going on here. Me? I draw stick figures ... want to see 'em?

Yuchi Town
I am part native american and for years have been trying to track down this part of my heritage. One day, once I became cybersavy ...hmmm, I came across this site. I later visited this place, but you can read more about that in my Projects area. Visit this site it's really pretty neat. If you are interested in other sites dealing with the Yuchi Indians let me know via email.

Actor's Equity Association
Hey, I'm an actor and I teach acting ... you knew this site was going to pop up at some point. Go on give it looksy.

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