University Teaching
Instructor of Acting
Marymount Manhattan College
New York, NY
- Description:
- Basic and some advanced acting techniques for the B.A. and B.F.A. theatre majors with an emphasis on monologues in the first semester and scenes in the second semester. Course combines a variety of acting concepts with a heavy Meisner emphasis. Required texts are Practical Handbook for the Actor, Uta Hagen's Respect for Acting (first semester), and Sanford Meisner on Acting (second semester).
1995 -
Instructor of Acting
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
- Description:
- Fundamentals of Acting -- course designed for college level non-theatre majors, as an introduction to the actor's craft. Basic acting techniques, emphasizing improvisation, scene and monologue work. Course combines Hagen, Meisner, and concepts from Practical Handbook for the Actor.
Professional Teaching
Instructor of Acting
The American Academy of Dramatic Arts
(Summer Program)
New York, NY
- Description:
- Basic acting techniques for actors, with an emphasis on scene work. Course combines some Cohen, Hagen and concepts from Practical Handbook for the Actor with Meisner.
Professional Teaching Workshop
Oct. 98 -
Jan. 99
The Duke Ellington School
New York, NY
- Description:
- Workshop designed to intoduce elementary school students to the works of Shakespeare. Using storytelling, experiential research concepts and lots and lots of energy combinded with quick thinking the students and I bring Shakespeare back to life on their level. Workshop culminates in the students performing a scene from one of Shakespeare's plays, using actual text.
July -
Instructor of Acting
MetaStages Children's Theatre
State College, PA
- Description:
- Acting camp designed for children 8 - 17 years of age. Basic acting techniques and improvisational work culminating in the production of folk tales, from a variety of cultures, showcasing the students work at camp.
Shakespeare Workshop Acting Instructor
State College High School
State College, PA
- Description:
- Workshop designed for High School Juniors and Seniors competing in classical acting competitions. Focus on experiential exercises to aid students' understanding of Shakesperean material. Culminating in mock competition presentations of monologue pieces.
Performance - Theatre (partial resume)
A WRINKLE IN TIME --- Mrs. Whatsit --- Lincoln Center
BROTHER'S KEEPER --- Latisha --- Samuel Beckett
DOROTHY --- Dorothy Dandridge --- Samuel Beckett
A RAISIN IN THE SUN (with Frances Foster) --- Ruth --- Pavilion Theatre
MEASURE FOR MEASURE --- Marianna --- URTC Playhouse
SWEENEY TODD --- Ensemble --- PA Centre Stage
ALICE IN WONDERLAND --- Cheshire Cat --- PA Centre Stage
MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM --- Dussie --- Springer Theatre
CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD --- Sarah --- Frankfurter Englisher
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS --- Ronnette --- Frankfurter Englisher
INTO THE WOODS --- The Witch --- Frankfurter Englisher
DREAMGIRLS --- Lorrel --- Frankfurter Englisher
Film and Television (partial)
COMEDY CENTRAL --- Principal --- Commercial
ROOMS TO GO --- Principal --- Commercial
UPFRONT --- Principal --- MTV Productions
GHOST STORIES --- Starring --- Syndicated
JENNIFER CONVERTIBLES --- Principal --- Commercial
FISERVE --- Underfive --- Cable Commercial
JOY IN THE MORNING --- Starring --- Pilot
ALTOONA HOSPITAL -- Spokesperson --- Filmspace Inc.
- Education Academic Training
- Penn State University, Professional Actor Training - MFA 1997 Manuel Dugue, Dr. Richard Nichols, Barry Kur, Helen Manful, Mark Olsen, Robert Leonard, Jane Ridley
- Troy State University, Theatre Major - BS 1994
- Additional Training
- Maestro Carlo Menoti, Vince Morton, Marcella Dodge, Renee Guerin, Andrew Roher, Lynn Metrick
- Skills (partial listing)
- Stage Combat - Quarter Staff, Hand to Hand, Broad Sword, Rapier and Dagger;
- Various Dialects
Reference list upon request