Activity #4:
Have or get a question. This could be a question you are currently working with, a question that you would like to work with, or a question that has been bugging you for a while. In any case it should be a question that is real to you and you care about finding an answer to.
Hand write the question on two pieces of paper.
Mail one copy to yourself.
Mail one copy to:
- "Just Because Club -- Question"
- P.O. Box 370
- Nevada City, CA 95959.
After the two letters are in the mail, buy a newspaper.
After you buy the newspaper go to the library.
Page one of the newspaper will contain the clue that will tell you which book stack/aisle to use.
Page three of the newspaper will contain the clue that will tell you which shelf in that aisle to use.
Page seven of the newspaper will contain the clue that will tell you which book on that shelf in that aisle to use.
Page nine of the newspaper will contain the clue that will tell you which page in that book on that shelf in that aisle to turn to.
Turn to that page. This page will contain the answer to your question.
Make two photocopies of that answer-page and two photocopies of the title-page of the book.
Mail one set to yourself.
Mail one set to:
- "Just Because Club -- Answer"
- P.O. Box 370
- Nevada City, CA 95959.
After you mail the photocopied "answer" page to yourself, wait.
When you get the question and answer letters, don't open them. Sit at your breakfast table (preferably on a sunny morning) and ask yourself the question "What is going on here? Just what is going on?"
Now open the "question" and "answer."